Japan exists on the Japanese archipelago, or a string of islands, which exists on the easter edge of Asia. It also happens to be on the "Pacific Ring of Fire" a ring of geologically activity due to the collisions of tectonic plates. It consists of 4 main islands and almost 4000 smaller ones. The 4 main islands are named Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, from north to south. The neighboring countries include Korea to the west and Southern Russian Siberia to the north.
It is also very mountainous as a result of being geologically active. With the larges area of usable land being the Kanto Plain, located in the Kanto region in central Honshu, which is only merely 17,000 square kilometers, slightly smaller than Fiji. The mountains and geological activity, combined with the ocean currents leads the place to also be meteorologically active as well. The currents also lead to a lot of sea life, especially fish, to go near Japan. The meteorological activity combined with the range in latitudes also leads to Japan being very diverse in climates with tundra as well as a lot of coastal winds like hurricanes and typhoons to strike the coast.